The health and safety of our patients and our team is our top priority.
Here are a few ways that we are offering a safe environment:
- All patients and employees will be subjected to a no-contact temperature check upon arrival at the office.
- All patients and staff will be asked to complete a pre-screening health questionnaire.
- When we can, we will keep our distance so that there is as little contact as possible.
- When required, we will utilize personal protective equipment such as goggles, face shields, and masks.
- We've restricted patient traffic in our waiting room by keeping the number of people to a minimum at any one moment.
- We will clean and disinfect all common spaces on a regular basis, as well as thoroughly clean and sanitize treatment rooms between patients.
Regulations set by the CDC will continue to ensure that each of our patients receives the safest possible care thanks to our commitment to good healthcare practices. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns regarding your visit.