Cosmetic Dentistry



We will help you improve the look and function of your teeth.

We also offer Botox to temporarily reduce moderate to severe frown lines, crow's feet and forehead lines in adults. Read on for details on our most common procedures and schedule an appointment with your dentist to learn more.

Dentist in Donelson TN - Cosmetic Dentistry
  • Smile Makeovers - Porcelain Veneers

    Porcelain veneers are custom-fit, handcrafted layers of dental porcelain that are applied to the surface of your teeth to improve their appearance and eliminate any flaws such as rotations, discoloration, or gaps. They're designed to match your neighboring teeth and are stain resistant.  You may want to consider veneers if you have: 

    • chips
    • cracks
    • gaps
    • stains
    • rotated teeth

    What to expect at your consultation: Every patient is unique, and porcelain veneers are created to fit you perfectly. We will meet with you to discuss the possibilities for your ideal smile, then develop a unique design specifically for you. We will apply temporary veneers while a specialist and experienced ceramicist create your veneers at a dental laboratory. Once they are ready, you’ll return to the office and we will remove the temporaries and bond your final set of veneers. If you’re searching for a way to get that gorgeous smile you’ve always desired, contact us today to discover if porcelain veneers are suitable for you.

  • Cosmetic Bonding

    If you're searching for a more cost-effective approach to improve the look of your teeth, then cosmetic bonding may be the answer. Cosmetic bonding is the application of a custom-colored dental resin that is molded to create a natural-looking tooth. It is also a procedure that can be performed much more quickly than the application of veneers.

    What to expect at your consultation: Your teeth will be treated with a dental resin that will give them a natural appearance. Afterward, we'll use an LED light to harden the resin and allow us to shape and polish the newly created tooth in such a way that it appears completely natural. And, what's better, all of this may be completed in one visit to our clinic.

  • Zoom Teeth Whitening

    In-office teeth whitening is the most successful technique to brighten your teeth fast and is many times more effective than over-the-counter whitening products. Philips Zoom WhiteSpeed, a highly specialized gel that bleaches the teeth from the inside out, leaves you with a brighter and whiter smile as soon as you leave our office.

    What to expect at your consultation: The procedure is painless and the results are dramatic. After getting you settled in, we place a protective barrier on your gum tissue to prevent irritation and apply a hydrogen peroxide gel to your teeth. A dental LED light is used to accelerate your results. Results vary from person to person, but typical results are 6-8 shades lighter teeth in about an hour.

  • Botox®

    A botox procedure is a cosmetic treatment that uses a toxin, botulinum toxin type A, to paralyze the muscles. This toxin is produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. When used in small doses, it can temporarily smooth out wrinkles. Botox is most often used on the forehead, between the eyebrows, and around the eyes.

    What to expect at your consultation: During your consultation, Dr. Montee will go through a treatment strategy with you. You should begin to see improvement within 48 hours of receiving BOTOX in Donelson Dental Center, and the effects can last up to four months. The treatment is painless and takes only a few minutes to complete.

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